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Clayton's Ascent
Shot between 1997 and 2003 while traveling the US by motorcycle, Fulford’s saturated colors are infused with a veiled foreboding, drawing a blurred line between the real and artificial. Deriving its title from the historic, 1835 nine-hour hot air balloon excursion, Fulford fills the shoes of observer and protagonist, as our sights shift from scenes of a fantastic and tumultuous American landscape, to the top tiers of indoor arenas, and finally arcing towards the heavens as we gaze down from above the clouds bidding a receding Earth farewell. – TBW books
Clayton's Ascent is part of the TBW Books' Subscription Series No. 6, together with books by Gregory Halpern, Viviane Sassen and Guido Guidi.
Hardcover, 40 pages
Printed in Italy by Longo
The series can be purchased here.